Good morning! Here’s your coding interview problem for today.
This problem was asked by Microsoft.
A number is considered perfect if its digits sum up to exactly 10.
Given a positive integer n
, return the n
-th perfect number.
For example, given 1, you should return 19. Given 2, you should return 28.
题目意思:所谓perfect number ,指一个正整数,如果这个数的每一位数字加起来等于10。第一个perfect number是19 (1+9=10),第二个是28(2+8=10)。要求你写个函数能够返回第n个perfect number。
直接从start=19开始计算,每次判断下是否为完美数字,如果是,则count++ ,然后start+1,进行下次判断。
/** * 暴力查找的方式 * * @param nth * @return */ public static List<Integer> findNthMethod1List(int nth) { List<Integer> list = new ArrayList<>(nth); int start = 19; int count = 0; while (count <= nth) { int temp = start; int sum = 0; while (temp != 0) { sum = temp % 10 + sum; temp = temp / 10; } if (sum == 10) { list.add(start); count++; } start++; } return list; }
方法一中start++的方式,比较慢。我们可以每次start= start+9 ,这样会快很多。如下:
public static int findNthMethod2(int n) { int count = 0; for (int curr = 19; ; curr += 9) { // Find sum of digits in current no. int sum = 0; for (int x = curr; x > 0; x = x / 10) { sum = sum + x % 10; } // If sum is 10, we increment count if (sum == 10) { count++; } // If count becomes n, we return current // number. if (count == n) { return curr; } } }
1.这里虽然每次可以+9,但是有个问题,比如假设到271, 280, 下一个完美数就并不是289。网上不少人写的算法有这个问题,认为可以直接通过n而不需要count变量来得到第n个完美数。这就是问题的关键点,我们找不到一个公式将完美数与n直接关联上,必须通过count来计数,从count=0一直累加到count= n。否则,我们只能保证算法返回的是完美数,但是这个数很可能并不是第n个。原文的方法三就是个错误的算法,我在最后面的测试代码中有对比。
2.步长不仅可以是9,其实也可以是10。从0开始,每次加10,此时start=10 ,start/10=1, 此时每个位数字和位1,则末尾就是10-1=9,第一个完美数就是19, start=19+10 , 29/10=2 ,则末尾就是10-2=8 ,第二个完美数就是28。如果上一个完美数是280,则(280+10)/10=29 , 2+9>10 , 所以继续加10:290+10=300 ,300/10=30 ,则末尾就是10-3-0=7 ,这个完美数就是307 ,依次类推。这里9比10好,就是因为加9刚好让低位减少1,高位+1,再大多数情况下,+9都能直接得到完美数,不用再推算最后一位的值。
package testAlgorithms; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; public class FindPerfectNumberTest { public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println(isPerfect(18)); System.out.println(isPerfect(28)); System.out.println("checkAlgorithm:" + checkAlgorithm(10000)); } /** * 检测算法是否正确 * * @param nth * @return */ public static boolean checkAlgorithm(int nth) { long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); // List<Integer> myList = findNthMethod2List(nth); // List<Integer> myList = findNthMethod3List(nth); List<Integer> myList = findNthErrMethodList(nth); long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); System.out.println(" effective method use time :" + ( endTime-startTime)); startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); List<Integer> correctList = findNthMethod1List(nth); // List<Integer> correctList = findNthMethod3List(nth); endTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); System.out.println(" bruce method use time :" + (endTime-startTime)); for (int i = 0; i < myList.size(); i++) { if (!myList.get(i).equals(correctList.get(i))) { System.out.println("myList: " + myList); System.out.println("correctList: " + correctList); System.out.println("wrong nth:" + (i + 1) + " ; my: " + myList.get(i) + " ; correct : " + correctList.get(i)); return false; } } return true; } /** * 暴力查找的方式 * * @param nth * @return */ public static int findNthMethod1(int nth) { int start = 19; int count = 0; while (count <= nth) { int temp = start; int sum = 0; while (temp != 0) { sum = temp % 10 + sum; temp = temp / 10; } if (sum == 10) { count++; return start; } start++; } return start; } /** * 暴力查找的方式 * * @param nth * @return */ public static List<Integer> findNthMethod1List(int nth) { List<Integer> list = new ArrayList<>(nth); int start = 19; int count = 0; while (count <= nth) { int temp = start; int sum = 0; while (temp != 0) { sum = temp % 10 + sum; temp = temp / 10; } if (sum == 10) { list.add(start); count++; } start++; } return list; } public static boolean isPerfect(int value) { int sum = 0; while (value != 0) { sum = value % 10 + sum; value = value / 10; } if (sum == 10) { return true; } return false; } /** * 步长为9 * @param n * @return */ public static int findNthMethod2(int n) { int count = 0; for (int curr = 19; ; curr += 9) { // Find sum of digits in current no. int sum = 0; for (int x = curr; x > 0; x = x / 10) { sum = sum + x % 10; } // If sum is 10, we increment count if (sum == 10) { count++; } // If count becomes n, we return current // number. if (count == n) { return curr; } } } public static List<Integer> findNthMethod2List(int n) { List<Integer> list = new ArrayList<>(n); int count = 0; for (int curr = 19; ; curr += 9) { // Find sum of digits in current no. int sum = 0; for (int x = curr; x > 0; x = x / 10) { sum = sum + x % 10; } // If sum is 10, we increment count if (sum == 10) { list.add(curr); count++; } // If count becomes n, we return current // number. if (count == n) { return list; } } } /** * 步长为10的 * @param n * @return */ public static List<Integer> findNthMethod3List(int n) { List<Integer> list = new ArrayList<>(n); int count = 0; for (int curr = 0; ; curr += 10) { // Find sum of digits in current no. int sum = 0; int temp = curr/10; for (int x = curr/10; x > 0; x = x / 10) { sum = sum + x % 10; } if(sum > 10 ||sum == 0){ continue; }else { int left = 10 - sum; list.add(temp*10+left); count++; } // If count becomes n, we return current // number. if (count == n) { return list; } } } /** * Error Method ,wrong algorithm * @param n * @return */ public static int findNthErrMethod(int n) { int nthElement = 19 + (n - 1) * 9; int outliersCount = (int)Math.log10(nthElement) - 1; // find the nth perfect number nthElement += 9 * outliersCount; return nthElement; } /** * Error Method ,wrong algorithm * @param n * @return */ public static List<Integer> findNthErrMethodList(int n) { List<Integer> list = new ArrayList<>(n); for (int i = 1; i <= n ;i++){ list.add(findNthErrMethod(i)); } return list; } }